Early Childhood Program

St. Isidore has a comprehensive Early Childhood program. We are certified by the Department of Human Services and a Keystone Star school. All the children in your family have a place in the St. Isidore community.

  • Preschool (3 years) and Pre-Kindergarten (4 years)
  • Full or half day sessions available to accommodate family schedules and your child’s readiness
  • Curriculum includes faith-centered academic instruction in a technology rich environment (Classroom iPads and Smart Televisions in all EC rooms).
  • Arts and Humanities instruction starts with preschoolers; Spanish, Music, Library, Technology, and Physical Education

Early Childhood tuition and CARES expenses may be tax deductible. Consult your tax advisor.

Financial aid is available for qualified families through the application/enrollment process within our FACTS registration system. For details, call our Parish Business Manager at 215. 536.6052 ext. 125.