St. Isidore School has educated boys and girls in Upper Bucks County for nearly 100 years. The value of a St. Isidore education cannot be measured in tuition dollars alone. We are blessed with the generosity of our parish, the Parents as Partners organization, alumni, community members and local businesses. The funds raised through these means provide important financial security and the ability to plan for the school’s future. There are many ways to support the school and we invite you to learn how you can help.
St. Isidore School is a 501(c)(3) charitable organization. Your donations are tax deductible to the extent allowed by law. All donations of any size are a welcome blessing for the school and will be acknowledged with a gift receipt. Thank you for your support!
Donate with Credit Card or Bank Transfer
St. Isidore Parish has enlisted Parish Giving to provide its members with the opportunity to use Electronic Funds Transfer as an alternative method for donating. You can set-up an Account and donate to St. Isidore School free of charge.
Register with Parish Giving Now at
Options with Parish Giving account:
- Ability to make one-time contributions
- Ability to make recurring contributions
- Ability to contribute to multiple organizations
- Ability to select your billing date
- Ability to use Credit Card or Bank Transfer
- Ability to access end of year contribution report
Donate with a Check
Make checks payable to “St. Isidore School.” Mail to St. Isidore School, 603 W. Broad Street, Quakertown, PA 18951.
If you have specific questions about how to donate, please contact Mr. Craig Fraser, our parish’s Business Manager. Questions regarding tax and estate implications should be directed to your attorney and/or accountant.
Annual Fund
The Annual Fund is unrestricted giving from all sources to support school programs and activities. Salaries, books and supplies and building maintenance are funded in part by annual giving. Also, we invest in new technology on an on-going basis to provide state-of-the-art tools for our teachers and students. Without this support, tuition would have to be raised; thus, the Annual Fund helps the school keep tuition at an affordable level for families.
Capital Gifts
Capital gifts are gifts specifically restricted (by the donor) for capital needs that include endowment funds as well as funds for construction or renovations of permanent facilities.
Planned Giving
You can include St. Isidore School in your estate plan. The easiest way is to include a bequest in your will or trust. It can be restricted or unrestricted. It can be a specific amount or a percentage. You can change this as your circumstances change.
Other planned gifts can include:
- Naming the school as beneficiary of your IRA, 401(k) or other qualified plan or your donor-advised fund
- Transfer ownership of a paid up life insurance policy or appreciated assets such as stocks or mutual funds to the school
- Deed your property to the school
Memorial Gifts
A gift in memory of or in honor of someone can be a meaningful way to contribute to St. Isidore. A memorial gift may be made to the Annual Fund or as a capital gift and may be restricted or unrestricted.
Gifts in Kind
Non-cash gifts of property such as computers, books, scientific equipment, art materials, etc. also make important gifts. The fair market value of such items is deductible for income tax purposes. A formal appraisal is required by the IRS for gifts in kind valued at over $5,000.00.